Here you will find a list of current projects in the works, Including progress updates and overviews.
Lincoln C. & Betty B. set about creating a series of new, innovative, original & re-imagined creative works. Producing mixed media projects, their artistic works will also draw on traditional art forms, focused largelly on story telling and theatre of the mind. With an aim to soothe and excite with the strikingly personal, abstract and often bizzare.
2025 - CreativeHead Collab* are producing a series of shorts reflecting on contemporary Australian culture and cringe. Watch this space!
The banana king
Several drafts later and the original screenplay The Banana King, is coming together quickly for it’s first release as a CreativeHead Collab* podcast in 2025. From a Banana Magnate and stalwart Thatcherite Chode, to a leaf clad biblical warrior. Who’s will is really devine.
“The Banana's endowed Steve with a great number of new powers and bolstered his well being against the harsh realities of isolation in the once baron land of Limbo. With all that Vitamin B, his brain functioning had increased exponentially. Clearing and re-connecting neural pathways and strengthening his mind. His reflexes fast and focus sharp”
Singer/Songwriter/Bubbleologist & Performance Artist - Betty B. delivers her own twist on this dreamlike classic. Originally composed by Charlie Chaplin & David Raksin, for the film 'Modern Times' (1936). This rendition contains some Lyrics by John Turner and Geoffrey Parsons (1954). Recorded by Lincoln C. ( - 2024). Disclaimer: This video has been published under 'Fair Use' as it is not-for-profit, and shared for the purposes of education and comment. All rights belong to the respective owners - Bourne Music Publishers.
PA3 - The Final Cut, re-stores, examines and assembles both original 2017 documentaries into one story. Join Lincoln as he explores Albany's iconic paranormal hot spots. Delving into the history of local landmarks, in a wide ranging investigation of the celestial beyond. Medium investigations of the Albany Cottage Hospital (1897), apiritions at the White Star Hotel (1910), and lost spirits at the infamous Camp Quaranup, Albany's former Quarantine Station (1875). The PA team investigates the supernatural side of historic Kinjarling (Albany), WA. Engaging mediums, priests and traditional custodians as they reach out to the departed. Written, directed & produced by Lincoln J. Cook. Director of Photography Gina Carlucci. Associate Producer Nick Cook. Sound FX courtesy of Stock footage by Stock photo's by Photography by Geoff Scott. Special thanks to the Museum of the Great Southern. 👻👻👻
Coming this January - Elect Lincoln (Apocalypse 2025)
“A raw and insightful deep dive into the world of politics told from the point of view of an up-and-coming independent senate candidate,” - WA Made Film Festival (2023).
“Just Dreadful” - Margaret Thatcher (2021).
NOW SHOWING AT THE PALACE THEATRE - Raine Square 300 Murray Street Perth